Bagi para peminat kajian ilmu sosial dan religi, pengelola jurnal di Semarang mwmbuka lowongan artikel atau call for paper. Isu-isu yang relevan berupa kajian folklore berkonten religi, sejarah, sosial bhdaya, seni, politik yang relevan dengan isu sosial keagamaan dan sebagainya. Berikut informasi lengkapnya.
Analisa Journal of Social Science and Religion
Analisa (ISSN 2502-5465, e ISSN 2443-3853) is a peer-reviewed journal published by Office of Religious Reseacrh and Development Ministry of Religious Affairs Semarang Indonesia. Analisa has been accredited by the Indonesian Institute of Science (SK Kepala LIPI Number 1221/E/2016/P2MI-LIPI/08/2016). Analisa Journal of Social Science and Religion index by Google scholar, portal garuda, OAJI, Crossref, and DOAJ.
Analisa cordially invites scholars, student, research, and academician of the related diciplines to submit their paper for the upcoming edition (Vol 3 No. 1 2018).
Articles should be written in English and related to one of these themes:
1. Religious Life
This topic comprises of these following issues (but not limited to); religious pluralism, inter-religious dialog, inter-religious harmony, religious based conflicts, state’s policy and intervention on religious matters, religion and local wsidom, religion and culture, sects in a religion.
2. Religious Education
This topict consist of these subjects (but not limited to); multiculturalis in religious education, curriculum in religious education, pesantren, inclusive education, and relgious education at schools.
3. Religious texts and heritage
This topict includes these issues (but not limited to); texts used by religious groups, studies on religious manuscripts, religion and mass media, folklore containing religious issues, the history of kingdoms,book related to religion used at schools, and book related to religions used by community.
Please send your article through online submission no later than 28 February 2018.
For more information:
Contact persons:
Zakiyah: 085877776518
Nur Laili Noviani: 08122546332
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